• Fresh and Creamy Guacamole

    November 2, 2019Brianna

    There are several people in my family allergic to avocados. Luckily, I am not because I love them. Fresh guacamole is so great but so expensive to add onto a taco anywhere you go out to eat! Do people actually pay a whole dollar for a tiny scoop of it?? Now you don’t have to…

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  • Fresh Pico De Gallo

    November 1, 2019Brianna

    I love salsa. It was my number one pregnancy craving with my first baby. A fresh pico is delicious on a taco to make it feel brighter and fresher. It’s super easy to make and far more cost effective than buying pico at the store. If you make this with fresh garden tomatoes it’s even…

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  • Pumpkin Cake (With Delicious Cream Cheese Frosting!)

    October 31, 2019Brianna

    Happy Halloween! Halloween here in Finland is more or less non-existent in the American sense. There are a few things sold at the store that are Halloween related but there’s no Halloween candy and people don’t trick-or-treat. It’s just an ordinary day for most people. Our church did a trunk-or-treat last weekend which was nice…

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  • Finnish Salmon Soup- Lohikeitto

    October 30, 2019Brianna

    This soup is a traditional and very common Finnish lunch, appetizer or dinner. It’s sold everywhere and it’s honestly one of the best foods that comes from Finland, in my opinion. Serve with a piece of rye bread and you are basically going to start speaking Finnish (except JK ’cause it’s way hard!). Even better…

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  • Perfect Buttermilk Pancakes (better than Ihop!)

    October 29, 2019Brianna

    The entire time I’ve been married I’ve been working on a pancake recipe that is light, fluffy and melts in your mouth. This recipe is the past 5 years of trial and error of pancakes and I can honestly say you’re going to love these pancakes and want to triple the batch each time you…

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  • 1 Skillet, 20-Minute, Homemade Tuna Helper

    October 28, 2019Brianna

    This meal is a family favorite and one of my go to meals. Tuna Helper can be so unassuming, but it’s definitely worth the [little] time spent as it always delivers. I almost always have every ingredient on hand to made this Homemade Tuna Helper, and you can’t beat a 1 skillet, 20-minute meal on…

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  • 1-Pot Chicken and Spinach Alfredo

    October 26, 2019Brianna

    This recipe has been a part of my go to recipes since the month my first baby was born. It’s so delicious, dirties very, very few dishes, and is super quick. It makes enough to feed a crowd too which is nice for bringing a meal to someone or inviting guests over. I often times…

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  • Balsamic Roasted Beets

    October 24, 2019Brianna

    Growing up, I had no idea that you could eat beets any way but from a can and then pickled. I thought they were delicious but didn’t discover the real taste without them being pickled till about 4 years ago. In so many restaurants they are served with carrots and potatoes, other root vegetables, and…

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  • Take-Out Veggie Fried Rice– (Easy to make vegan!)

    October 22, 2019Brianna

    About 80% of the time if I ask my husband what he wants for dinner he says, “Something with Rice”. This response has made me get creative with rice dishes throughout our 5 years together now. A lot of times there’s leftover rice so then I’m struggling to find a way to use it and…

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  • Maple, Cinnamon, and Brown Sugar Roasted Butternut Squash

    October 21, 2019Brianna

    I came up with this recipe because I had a lot of extra butternut squash cubes left from when I made my butternut squash soup. I bought too much at the store because I forgot I was measuring in kilos and not pounds. *Facepalm* Anyway, this is an easy side dish and my girls both…

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