
My family picture 2024

For nearly 2 decades, being in the kitchen has been my happy place. After moving to Helsinki in 2018, having my second baby, and experiencing postpartum depression, I needed to find a project that was just for me. I went to school for photography and used to shoot several weddings every month. Photography was my outlet and passion before moving abroad.

My family in Finland winterHowever, after moving, I left my clientele behind and suddenly my opportunities with photography were fewer. So, after a lot of thinking, I decided to start putting together the cookbook that I had always planned to do one day but in blog form. I want to have a cookbook of all the recipes I make for my family so one day I can give it to my kids; then they can make the recipes for their own kids that their mom made for them. So I combined all of my best skills and my passions: photography and cooking as well as family and memories.

We moved back to America in July of 2023 after 5 years in Finland and traveling to 37 countries. If you ever need any Europe travel recommendations or want to chat anything Finland or Europe, hit me up! It was truly the best 5 years I’ve ever had and reverse culture shock is the worst.

I took a food photography course beginning of 2024 and started selling new recipes and photo sets I created to other food bloggers to use on their food blogs and let my own little blog take a back seat. My husband, Kyle, and I decided to work on my blog again (together this time!) and I’m really excited to be back at it. You’ll probably see some continued changes and improvements around here in the coming months, so please stick around, and forgive me if my old pictures aren’t as great! (I was a portrait photographer 11 years before turning to food photography)My husband and I

I have a strong faith in my Savior, Jesus Christ. I believe family is the most important part of life and therefore make it my top priority. I value my marriage and try to go on a date every week if possible. I believe making people happy through feeding them is one of the best ways to spread joy in life. So, I don’t mind that my monthly grocery budget is a bit (a lot) higher than the average family of 5 as a result of having people over for dinner and creating new recipes all the time. I’d like to invite you over for dinner too, so if you’re in the neighborhood…! Until then, I hope you can still taste a bite from my kitchen as you try some of my recipes!