5-Minute Shortcakes

It is strawberry season in Finland because it’s strawberry season in Spain where most of the strawberries come from here. They grow strawberries in Finland too but Finland’s strawberry season is a bit later because, hello, it’s cold here like 75% of the year. When we lived in South Carolina we went to a strawberry patch in March to pick strawberries. Anyway, all this to say that I’ve been buying lots of strawberries and coming up with new recipes to use them for. Be on the lookout for the world’s best strawberry syrup in the coming week or so.
Strawberry shortcake is delicious and today I’m stoked to share with you drop shortcakes that you don’t have to cut out. They are super easy and take only about 5 minutes of active prep to make! If you have strawberries you don’t have plans for or that are going a bit soft, this is a great recipe for them!
Print5-Minute Shortcakes
Delicious and quick-to-make shortcakes that make a light and fresh dessert. Perfect for fresh berry season.
- Prep Time: 15 minutes
- Cook Time: 13 minutes
- Total Time: 28 minutes
- Yield: 8 shortcakes 1x
2 cups all-purpose flour
¼ cup sugar
2 ¼ teaspoons baking powder
¾ teaspoon baking soda
¼ teaspoons salt
6 Tablespoons really cold butter, cut into ~1/2 tablespoon chunks
2 large egg yolks
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
¾ cup plus 2 Tablespoons heavy cream
¼ cup sugar, for rolling (raw sugar is best for this but normal sugar works too!)
4 cups chopped strawberries
Splash of vanilla extract
1 tablespoon sugar
Whipped Cream-
1 cup of heavy whipping cream
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon powdered sugar
Preheat oven to 400 F and prepare a baking sheet with parchment paper.
In a medium mixing bowl combine flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt till well combined. Using a pastry blender (or your fingers, or 2 knives or even a few quick pulses in a food processor) cut the butter into the flour mixture until the flour pieces are no bigger than a small pea.
In a small mixing bowl combine the egg yolks, vanilla, and heavy cream till combined.
Pour the egg mixture into the flour mixture and mix with a rubber spatula till just combined. Try not to over mix, but you also don’t want dry flour streaks.
Put the other ¼ cup sugar into a small bowl.
Split dough as evenly as you can into 8 pieces and roll each piece into a ball. Dip one half of the ball in the sugar and place on a baking sheet. Continue till done. Bake for 13-15 minutes or until golden brown on top. Let cool completely on tray before cutting or they will fall apart.
Combine the strawberries, vanilla and sugar till combined. Place in fridge for at least an hour before serving.
Whipped Cream-
Right before serving, whip the heavy cream, vanilla, and powdered sugar till stiff peaks.
Cut each shortcake in half and spoon strawberries and whipped cream in between the layers, sandwiching them together.
You can use the leftover sugar from rolling to put into your strawberries to not waste sugar. You can also just skip the sugar and vanilla in the strawberries if you’d prefer just fresh strawberries. I like the juice the strawberries give off when mixed with sugar because it kind of soaks into the shortcake and is delicious.