• Fresh Berry Cobbler Bars

    July 2, 2020Brianna

    I’ve been kind of MIA the past few weeks but wanted to post this fresh berry cobbler bars recipe in case any of you are looking for a good 4th of July dessert this weekend. It’s really delicious, not too complicated to make, serves a lot of people, uses delicious summer berries that are in…

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  • Peanut Butter Frosting

    June 5, 2020Brianna

    This batch of peanut butter frosting is addicting. It’s so good I find it extremely hard to not just sit down and eat it straight from the bowl I whipped it up in. Here in Finland, to get American style creamy peanut butter you have to pay through the nose for it. Think $7 for…

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  • World’s Best Chocolate Cupcakes

    June 4, 2020Brianna

    Chocolate cake is my favorite dessert and this is the world’s best chocolate cake. I’ve hesitated in posting this recipe before because I keep forgetting to make these into a normal 9×13 cake so I can time how long it should stay in the oven. I almost always make cupcakes over cake because my daughter…

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  • 5-Minute Shortcakes

    May 26, 2020Brianna

    It is strawberry season in Finland because it’s strawberry season in Spain where most of the strawberries come from here. They grow strawberries in Finland too but Finland’s strawberry season is a bit later because, hello, it’s cold here like 75% of the year. When we lived in South Carolina we went to a strawberry…

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  • Tres Leches Cake

    May 18, 2020Brianna

    If you’ve been following my blog you’ll likely know there are quite a few normal/staple ingredients in America that you can’t find here in Finland. Evaporated milk is one of them which is needed for this cake. There have been quite a few things I’ve had to learn to make that I can’t find here…

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  • Brianna’s Favorite Biscuit Cinnamon Rolls (no yeast & no rising!)

    April 4, 2020Brianna

    The 2 worst parts about cinnamon rolls in my opinion, are 1) the center cinnamon rolls often are still doughy and 2) If you don’t bake them close together then they are all dry. I don’t waste my calories for a day on a doughy or dry cinnamon roll. When I tried making biscuit cinnamon…

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  • Peanut Butter Bars

    April 3, 2020Brianna

    This is one of those recipes that everyone loves, feeds a ton of people, and is very nostalgic. I don’t make them very often because you can’t buy normal American peanut butter here so I have to use my very limited stash when I do make them. These don’t work well with all-natural peanut butter,…

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  • Chocolate Fondue

    February 13, 2020Brianna

    Every Valentines day my little family does fondue for dinner. We also do it for our anniversary which is also New Year’s Eve. We always do both a chocolate and cheese version and it’s always a hit with everyone. We also try to invite people over when we do fondue other times of the year.…

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  • Soft Sugar Cookies

    February 5, 2020Brianna

    If there was ever a cookie to not like it’s a dry and hard sugar cookie. The only good thing about those cookies are how cute they are if you spend a lot of time decorating them cutely. These sugar cookies are not even close to dry or hard. This is the only sugar cookie…

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  • Whole Grain Chocolate Banana Blender Muffins (gluten free)

    January 7, 2020Brianna

    I discovered blender muffins this past year and I’m in love. These Whole Grain Chocolate Banana Blender Muffins are one of my favorites I’ve made. No worries of over mixing the batter and added bonus of it being gluten free with whole grains rather than flour. They’re much healthier for you than a normal muffin.…

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